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  EU General Data Protection RegulationPosted by: ClockMan
05-24-2018 18:33 PM - No Replies Print this item Send this item to a friend

Starting from 25 May 2018 new EU law will take effect.

Please be informed that this forum together with L2Tower application collect following data:
- Data that is visible in your profile (name, ...)
- You IP address that you use to access application and access this web-page.
- History of your L2Tower application usage

You can remove you account by clicking into this link:
or by visiting your User CP or by contacting support@l2tower.eu

I advise you to use "false identity" in this forum.

  Drop support for NCSOFT serversPosted by: ClockMan
12-08-2015 01:24 AM - No Replies Print this item Send this item to a friend

Hello everyone,

In response to a polite request from a NCSOFT Corporation,
that cares for a safety and comfort of a legitimate users of Lineage 2.

Starting from version support for a Lineage 2: Infinite Odyssey Chronicle,
used on servers hosted by NCSOFT and its affiliates will be removed.

Future versions of Lineage 2 won't be supported.
Support for older chronicles used on private servers will continue.

Best regards,
L2Tower team by: ClockMan
12-08-2015 01:24 AM - No Replies Print this item Send this item to a friend

  • Remove support for a Lineage 2: Infinite Odyssey Chronicle by: ClockMan
10-14-2015 22:58 PM - Replies (1) Print this item Send this item to a friend

  • Updated, to support changes on NA server*.

Notes*: Some features may not working correctly: movies blocking, party leave, trading by: ClockMan
09-23-2015 22:02 PM - No Replies Print this item Send this item to a friend

  • Fixing L2Tunning.dll